The experience in this field during the last decades leads to a conclusion that might even seem a commonplace: “technology has made great strides”. We can assert, without fear of contradiction, that in any sectors somehow related with economy there are applications of new technologies that are constantly refined and overcome at a surprising rate. The entrepreneur of the industrial sector is often faced with the need of making advanced investments leading to improve the productivity of the plant and the workers’ security conditions, or to strengthen control over the quality of its products, etc...; when it’s time to significant invest, major companies, with even more esteemed engineering departments, are able to provide the most effective solutions for the main installations and to suggest the most suitable technological solutions to the customer’s requests.
People living the experience of industrial plants know perfectly well that every company has special needs, that distinguish it from all others and often some peculiar aspects make the difference compared to direct competitors. Freeray takes care of those aspects of modern technology and offers solutions to small everyday problems that are daily experienced in industrial plants, paying due attention to those details that often pass unnoticed to the major installers and unlikely the entrepreneur implement a solution, if he cannot find an effective and economical solution.